Joint transactions via multi listing system for real estate agents
Joint transactions via multi listing system for real estate agents

Multi-Listing System for Real Estate Agents

Harness the power of collaboration! Connect with other real estate agents.

Multi Listing System at onOffice for real estate agents

Partner Up!

MLS stands for Multi-Listing System, an online platform where real estate agents can collaborate on transactions. While it might sound complex, it’s actually quite simple: with onOffice enterprise’s feature, you can offer your clients properties from your colleagues via an online marketplace. It’s a win-win for everyone: your clients find a suitable property, and you benefit from a successful transaction.

Benefits of the MLS

  • Free & Comprehensive

    Our virtual marketplace is completely free and accessible to all users. Participants can explore a vast database of diverse properties, ensuring that every wish and search criteria is met.

  • Handy Watchlists

    Found a property that particularly caught your eye? Add it to your onOffice MLS watchlist. Easily send the details via email to your interested clients.

  • Simple & Straightforward

    Get started right away: you don’t need any technical knowledge to set up onOffice MLS. The interface is user-friendly and straightforward.

  • MLS as a Selling Point

    Market changes, such as the “Bestellerprinzip” (commission by orderer principle), are an opportunity for multi-listing systems. Use the MLS network as a strong selling point and expand your portfolio!

Which Versions Does It Come With?

The onOffice MLS is included in these versions:

  • onOffice enterprise premium
  • onOffice enterprise expert

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Lächelnder Mann mit Laptop und Handy informiert sich zur kostenlosen onOffice Testversion.
Lächelnder Mann mit Laptop und Handy informiert sich zur kostenlosen onOffice Testversion.


We answer frequently asked questions about the onOffice MLS.

First, you set up search criteria and save them in onOffice enterprise. These are then transferred to onOffice MLS. Your clients will see matching properties for their search queries. Conveniently, the properties can be added to a watchlist.

The commission is negotiable: you can independently define the commission with your business partner.

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Lächelnde Frau vor Laptop entdeckt die vielfältigen Funktionen von onOffice enterprise.
Lächelnde Frau vor Laptop entdeckt die vielfältigen Funktionen von onOffice enterprise.

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